Phoenix Area Real Estate Update 8/7/2020

Disneyland announced its closure due to COVID-19 on March 12. Despite being the usual 31 days, March lasted longer than any other month in history. People all over the world were glued to the news; trying to make sense of what was happening. April 19 was the turning point for Arizona real estate. In May the end was in sight. And then it wasn’t. Now it is August, a time when we used to buy school supplies and take the first day of school photos we are, instead, buying laptops for Kindergarteners begging them to hold still for one more minute.

Afternoon Bite 8/3/2020 (Video)

Every Monday afternoon Amber Kovarik and I talk about what happened this week in our local and national real estate market in 15 minutes or less. Today’s Takeaways: Communication with your clients is key. Be sure to share what is going on in real estate. The real estate industry is the driving force inContinueContinue reading “Afternoon Bite 8/3/2020 (Video)”

Real Estate Market Update

Tina Tamboer, with the Cromford Report, recently presented on the residential real estate market in the Phoenix metro area. To subscribe to the Cromford Report, click here: The complete presentation is available to subscribers.Here are my notes:Forget everything that Tina said at the beginning of 2019, even forget what she said last quarter. EverythingContinueContinue reading “Real Estate Market Update”